English Worship Service
Sundays @ 10:30 A.M.
Children's church & nursery available
Sunday School
Sundays @ 9:15 A.M.
Adult, youth, children's classes and nursery available
Hispanic Worship Service
Sundays @ 9:00 A.M.
Welcome to Carolina Presbyterian Church
English Worship Service
Sundays @ 10:30 A.M.
Children's church & nursery available
Sunday School
Sundays @ 9:15 A.M.
Adult, youth, children's classes and nursery available
Hispanic Worship Service
Sundays @ 9:00 A.M.
Sunday Morning Worship
We would love to have you join us Sunday morning! We know coming to a new church can be intimidating, so here’s a little bit of information to help you feel more comfortable.
Our worship style is a blend of contemporary and traditional elements. Each Sunday, we’ll sing a mix of modern worship songs and traditional hymns, led by the choir and by our worship team.
What to Wear
Feel free to dress as you feel comfortable. Some folks come in shirt and tie, while others come in jeans. However you dress, you won’t be alone!
Children's Ministry
Nursery for ages 0-3yrs and Children’s Church for ages 4yrs-2nd grade will be offered during the 10:30 A.M. Worship Service.
NOTE: Check-in will begin at 10:15 am at the Children’s Ministry desk. Children should be checked in prior to service and will go directly to their class (instead of dismissing during worship service) and will stay during the entire worship service. Children will receive a name tag and their parent/guardian will receive a security tag that matches that they can use to pick up the child at their class at the end of service. This will allow us to uphold our safety protocols.
Current Sermon Series
We will learn from famous passages, such as "The Sermon on the Mount", "The Beatitudes", "The Lord's Prayer", the many "Parables of Jesus", and "The Great Commission". The Gospel of Matthew displays the gentle, lowly, and compassionate heart of Christ. Jesus as Messiah teaches us True Discipleship.
Sunday School
Please join us Sunday mornings at 9:15 for Sunday School. We have classes for all ages, both children and adults. This quarter there are 3 Adult classes offered: Bible Book Study - Romans, Gospel Principled Parenting, and a study on the Attributes of God.